

The sea was angry, my friends.  Departing the known world on a path less traveled, weather reports hinted at light winds and brief interruptions with rain. Nothing uncommon this time of year, and certainly nothing to warrant any undue considerations of what we were later to experience. But I had a hunch. Briefed my crew […]



Meet Tuesday. My new adventure partner. Sporting some new shoes, she’s spent the last 900 miles of her young life yearning to enjoy the views found in our backyard. A few hand washes and subsequent detail jobs certainly await her return to civilization but for now she wears her southern Utah red dirt proudly.  Tuesday […]


Frémont revisited

There’s a new game I play every time I have the opportunity to fly the Cub. It’s called “how many?” and the object of the game is to count how many times pilots in the traffic pattern mention on the radio that they can’t see me on their ADS-B equipment. Yesterday, the count was only […]



Another airplane crash in our community begets another quest for the why. ATC recordings, ADS-B bread crumbs, local news sources refreshed beyond belief. We all comb through whatever sources we can in an effort to piece together a puzzle that will be missing a few pieces for a while (or forever), and without any doubt, […]

Journal the Vault

A Tribute

While I sit here in the lobby of a dealership purchasing a new truck, memories of my former vehicles came to my mind. So here’s something from the vault, titled “A Tribute” to one of my former cars, the GTi. Twelve years ago, I had the distinct pleasure of being introduced to one of my […]



Empowered with never ending grit and determination (and some of my favorite applesauce), Luke stands at the ready, anxiously awaiting the countdown to the start of his last mountain bike race of the season. Merely a month prior was his first, on a course he’s never seen before, racing against other seventh graders who are […]



Within twelve hours to hitting the trailhead, Luke decided to come along on this year’s Timpanogos hike (I say that like it’s an annual thing but it is not. It is for some friends that invited us, but I digress). Originally planned sans-kids, Luke mustered the courage to climb trails unknown. Currently 13 miles in, […]



Currently walking around one of my former favorite layovers that’s been upgraded to mainline service. Previous accommodations slightly improved, location alone by a factor of 100. Confused as to what to do with an entire day of no obligations, three tries at rising early finally prove worthwhile. First, a run along the shore. With paths […]



Just when the going gets tough, the tough seek shelter due to airport policies. Yesterday’s futile attempts to thwart inbound weather to the NYC area were met with the usual barrage of extending EDCTs (estimated departure clearance time), ground stops, and rest and duty legalities. A thunderstorm towering over 40,000 above the Sarasota / Bradenton […]



It’s never been about baseball. Sure, it has something to do with the game, but it’s more than that. We have been fortunate enough to become part of the Utah Bandits family, which by design is 11 boys that love the sport, but has become more than that. Sure, the natural friendships made through the […]